Human Resources Management

Alvian Raynaldi
4 min readDec 1, 2020
  1. What Is Human Resource Management? HRM is a Process of Determining Human Resource needs through recruiting,selecting,developing,motivating,evaluating,compensation and scheduling employees to achieve organizational goals and to let their organization gain a competitive advantage at the same time to improve employee’s performance in service.
  2. During today’s economic recession the challenges faced by organizations for HRM are Shortage of Employees Due to the lack of capability to pay their wages and salary and also due to government regulations in order to reduce the spread of Covid-19 in Workplaces so Some Employees had to be sent home and work from home to reduce the chance of getting infected and some had to be resigned by the company in order to reduce loss. Learning and Development is also an issue in today’s recession and pandemic because new employees who just started working would not be able to learn and develop their skills and competencies and had to work from home thus not letting them to develop and be better. Combined with The Pandemic , Most Baby Boomers Decided to Delay their Retirement in order to be able to continue their work with a certain amount of earnings and refuse to move to a lower-level profession Thus Creating an increase in the numbers of baby boomers in a company. The Fourth Challenge would be in Terms of Recruitment , During this Recession Companies are bound to save funds by cutting the amount of employees so some companies would refuse new employees even interns.
  3. Omnibus Law Regulation’s Covers Things Such As

Simplifications of Land Licensing.

Requirements for Investment.

Employment .

Coverage and Convenience for Upper Secondary Businesses.

Convenience to Start a Business .

Research and Innovation Support .

Government Administration .

Imposition of Sanctions.

4. According to Article 28D Paragraph 2 of the 1945 Constitution

Every Individual has the Rights to Work and earn Reward, Fair and Decent Treatment in Working Relationships.

Article 5 of Employment Law

Every Labour Has the Same Opportunity without Discrimination in order to achieve profession.”

Article 6 of Employment Law

Every Employee has the right of earning fair treatment without any discrimination from the Employer.”

Article 31 of Employment Law

Every Employment has the same rights and chance to choose, get, or move profession and earn a decent and worthy income in the country or abroad.”

Article 32 Paragraph 1 and 2 of Employment Law

Paragraph 1 “Job placement is implemented based on the principle of open, free, objective, and fair and equal opportunity without discrimination”

Paragraph 2 “Employment of labour directed to put in the right position according to the expertise, skills, talents, interests, and abilities with regard dignity, dignity, human rights and legal protection.”

5. To Prepare a Human Resource needs first we need to assess our current workforce , based on our employee’s skills, knowledge and abilities. Second we have to create an employee development plan , this will help us in helping employee’s capabilities and skills in advance and maximize their potential to grow.Third Method is to Create a Succession Plan which will help minimize any sort of disruptions through identification of critical roles in our business and if an employee is qualified in this position , someone shall leave the position in order to switch shift between employees. Fourth step is to perform a Gap Analysis which we can use to analyze the resources our company has and what we’ll require in the future. Fifth and Last Step is to Decide on how to increase resources for the future. This Will Help us in choosing employees and to find the best ones, useful when you need to fill in a gap on a certain profession that needs filling , through this method it’ll be easier to pick the best employee to fill in a gap.

6. Sometimes worldwide factors could affect recruitments , one factual example is today’s world affected by the pandemic , Companies refuse to accept employees whether they’re interns or even qualified for a job. Other Reason is the fact that sometimes HRD have difficulties in hiring the perfect employee to assign to an assigned job or profession. Another factor is Specific Skillsets , Often when HRDs Hire a person , their skillsets might be interfering with the availability of the job as the Skillset of person A might Conflict with Person B’s Job.

7. The First step of the Selection Process is Application , Through this candidates could apply for a certain job or position in a company. The Second Step is Screening & Pre-Selection in this step candidates often used many kinds of methods such as resume screening and phone screening and usually is high on volume. The Third one is Interview , This Step means that the candidate will be interviewed by the manager to assess on how well they will do their job. The Fourth Step is Assessment, Here the Candidates will receive an IQ test commonly , or testing the candidates using personality tests , usually the Higher the IQ of a candidate is , the better and faster their performance and adaptability on their job will be. after Assessing , The Next step is Background Checks and Decision , Through this the manager will be able to define what’s good for the candidate and decide whether if the candidate is qualified to fill in a job and check if the candidate has a record of crime or under the influence of medications. The Final Step is Job Offer & Contract , This Is the final step in the Selection Process, The Manager will give the description of the contract and the job and only needs to wait until the candidate accepts the contract and finally starts their job on the company.

